gallery Dear Adoption, What Do I Dream?


Dear Adoption, What Do I Dream?

I dream that when I talk, they hear me.

I dream that when I say I don’t feel complete, they don’t say I’m crazy.

I dream that I am hugged tightly when I say being adopted hurts.

I dream that DNA will connect me to my biological family.

I dream that my adoptive family won’t disown me if I find them.

I dream of home.

I dream of wholeness.

I dream of a future in which I am listened to rather than spoken for.

I dream and fantasize about things I have little faith will actually happen.

I dream of peace.

I dream of family.

I dream of having it all.

F.G. is a domestic adoptee living in NYC and searching for her mother. 

One comment

  1. Even as an adult I dream of these things. I’m in active reunion with my birth mom but not my birth father. I dream of the day I see his face for the first time.


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